Putting Employees First: Assessing The Maturity Of Learning Cultures

In today’s dynamic business landscape, a strategic investment in tech-driven learning and development (L&D) is essential for developing a future-ready workforce. Aptitude Research reveals that 93% of companies believe a strong learning culture positively impacts employee morale and 67% are increasing their investments in L&D initiatives this year. However, less than half of companies are confident in the effectiveness of their learning cultures, underscoring the need for organizations to reassess and realign their strategies.

This report offers valuable guidance for businesses striving to foster a culture of continuous and transformational learning that empowers employees and drives organizational success.

Featured within this report is Aptitude Research’s maturity model, designed to help companies understand their own processes around learning cultures and the steps they need to take for a more strategic and optimized environment. This serves as a framework for organizations seeking to create an environment where learning is deeply ingrained in the organizational DNA.

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